Press Releases for Green tea

  • 945

    KeyMatcha offers Discounts for New Customers

    Keymatcha, the leading Matcha green tea company is offering 10 percent discount for new customers on email subscription. The company promises versatile range of matcha tea right from Japan to all customers worldwide.

    By : | 11-21-2014 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 945

  • 916

    Matcha Green Tea Powder by ‘Tealux’ for enhanced health, beauty and natural life

    Avail 25% discount on all tea products from ‘Tealux’, shipped for you free of cost. Use promo coupon “SPRING25” to get your 25% discount.

    By : | 05-29-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 916

  • 710

    Staying slim the Cho Yung Green Tea way

    Losing weight is all that matters for weight watchers today. With the mushrooming of spas and gyms throughout the world, one can never get enough of anything, especially with regard to losing weight.

    By : | 08-02-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 710

  • 795

    Teas Have the Capability to bring Peace and Tranquility – According To A Montreal tea store

    Everyone knows that tea is a wonder drug that nature has offered to the humankind. Tea is believed to a key maintain good health and many of the health experts agree with this fact.

    By : | 07-30-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 795

  • 965

    Health Benefits Of Green Tea For Weight Loss

    Is green tea a miracle diet aid or just another fad? The health benefits of green tea have been scientifically proven. Can green tea help you lose 20 lbs in 2days? Probably not. However, drinking green tea can accelerate the results of exercise and healthy eating by burning more calories and blocking fat absorption.

    By : | 06-30-2010 | Architecture:Architecture | Total Views : 965

  • 803

    Are All Teas Created Equal? The Health Benefits of Three Popular Teas

    It has been long known that tea has certain health benefits and that adding it to your daily diet can offer many different positive health effects, from immune system boosts to heart protection to metabolism jumpstarts. But where do these claims, which can be seen on so many tea products today, come from? Take a look at some of the top selling teas in the world and see for yourself why a cup a day truly can keep the doctor away.

    By : | 06-23-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 803

  • 819

    The Surprising Health Benefits of Green Tea

    Want to know the secret to a longer and healthier life? Studies have shown that people who drink just a few cups a day of this ancient miracle drink can prevent cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s. The drink is inexpensive and is available without a prescription at your local supermarket. What is this miracle drink? Green Tea.

    By : | 06-16-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 819

  • 613

    Liquid Facelift? Free for 24 Hours. provides tips on how to have flawless age hiding skin like the celebs. They detail the use and benefits of Botox alternatives, anti-aging breakthroughs and green tea skin care. Defy nature with wrinkle defying face cream. By using these revolutionary creams you will see results. This cream targets wrinkles and age spots. It boosts collagen and elastin production

    By : | 03-13-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 613

  • 435

    Matcha green tea, The healthiest tea in the planet that every tea drinker should try

    It is hard to find people who hate tea in this planet. Some drink it as a habit while some drink it for health.

    By : | 09-21-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 435

  • 482

    Health Experts Say The Cup of Health is Not Just Tea Or Coffee - It is Matcha Green Tea

    Can we imagine a planet without tea and coffee? These daily refreshers are enriching our healthy life for so long. However, when it comes to enhanced health, what is the option?

    By : | 05-17-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 482